Realme 9 Pro+ is the Top Gaming Device for Pros of PUBG

    Realme announces it will be bringing their Realme Gaming Competition 2022 with PUBG to the universities of Pakistan. Realme strives to keep pace with technological technological advances. As technology advances smartphones are now equipped to handle more demanding usage situations that normally we wouldn’t utilize for. Gaming is one of the functions that is increasingly demanded of smartphones today. There is no longer a time where the only entertainment you could get from your smartphone would be playing basic, low-quality 2D games. It’s now possible to attain console-like gaming with the limitations of smartphones.

    A cult and played smartphone games of recent years that made waves across the globe was the game PUBG (Player Unknown’s Battle Ground). It was released in the year 2018. PUBG is an online game in the genre of battle royale. The game is played in which you’re dropped onto an island, where you need to hunt for weapons and resources as you eliminate other players to become the last left standing. PUBG has had a fascinating experience in Pakistan and was even briefly banned in the year 2020 before an outcry from the vast fan base made up of PUBG players in Pakistan caused the cancellation in the ban. This was a clear evidence of how huge the community of players who play PUBG and mobile gaming has become in Pakistan. With this in mind the company has developed its latest phone to be the best gaming tool available to gamers. Its 9 Pro+ is loaded from the front to the back with top-of-the-line features that simplify and enhance the gaming experience.

    Powered by a 5G

    The realme 9 Pro+ is powered by a 5G-enabled, high-powered MediaTek Dimensity 920 chipset that helps to make your gaming experience more smooth and enjoyable. It comes with an impressive Mali-G68 Arm GPU, which is a powerful GPU. When compared to the Mali-678 GPU, the Mali G68 includes the same features , however it’s optimized to reduce power consumption and prolong the life of batteries. The chipset’s CPU isn’t anything to complain about neither. The next-level Arm Cortex-A78 CPU is able to clock as high as 2.5 GHz of processing. The impact of these rapid speeds is that your applications react faster and games play at a greater FPS as well as your Internet connection is enhanced so that you enjoy a better experience when you’re playing or simply using your phone.

    If compared with the prior MediaTek Dimensity 900 processor, the MediaTek Dimensity 920 5G processor provides an up to 9 percent boost in the speed of gaming. It also comes by High Speed Rail (HSR) mode where the phone will find for and establish a connection to the most low latency cell tower, thereby reducing the ping of online games. This is extremely beneficial to those who love to play online gaming when on the go. The smart refresh rate technology in the MediaTek Dimensity920 chipset considers the activity that is taking place by the phone , and alters the rate of refresh accordingly to make the handset more energy efficient.

    It is MediaTek Dimensity 920 comes with support for dual 5G SIMs , which have more efficient carrier aggregation in 5G, leading to faster speeds and a seamless transition between two 5G connectivity areas as well as traversing the coverage layer. 5G Call and Data Concurrency 3.0 lets users make use of one SIM to make calls and the second SIM remains open for with a data connection. This allows you to divide the burden of playing online and conversing with your team members using two SIMs. Additionally the HyperEngine 3.0 can seamlessly offer 5G Tethering to other devices when playing a game without being compromised.

    But, it’s not the sole thing which makes the world of 9 Pro+ an PUBG beast. The phone has 90Hz Super AMOLED display, which will provide players with a silky smooth playing experience. The world 9 Pro+ also comes with Dynamic RAM Expansion (DRE) technology that lets you access up to 5 GB of extra RAM for day-to-day usage by redirecting it from the memory. This lets users of the realme 9 Pro+ to carry out heavier operations or multitasking with ease.

    The world’s 9 Pro+ is the ideal phone to play PUBG gaming. That’s why realme is working with PUBG to present the realme Gaming Championship 2022! A new level of gaming competition is coming to universities across selected cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Students will have the chance to play in the nationwide event in teams and display their enthusiasm for realme as well as PUBG with the hope of winning prize money. Keep your eyes open for more details on the coming realme Gaming Championship, and begin making plans to finish with a win. Make sure to register and be proud of your university! You can test your skills in your individual realme 9 Pro+ smartphone, which is available from a smartphone retailer close to you or via Daraz for just PKR 69.999.

    About the realme:

    Realme is a global, emerging company in consumer technology that is disrupting the market for smartphones and AIoT by making cutting-edge technologies easily accessible. It offers a variety of phones and other lifestyle tech devices that feature premium specifications as well as high-end quality and innovative designs for young people at a reasonable price.

    It was founded with the help of Sky Li in 2018 and guided with its “Dare to leap” spirit realme is the 6th largest global smartphone company, and has grown to grown to be an elite five smartphone companies in 30 markets around the world in just three years. In the second quarter of 2021, the company had expanded into 61 markets across the globe which includes China in addition to Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa and boasts an international customer base of more than 100 million.


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